Umpqua NF Tasks GeomorphIS to Conduct Geotechnical Investigation/Prepare Report

The USDA Forest Service (USFS) Umpqua National Forest has tasked the GeomorphIS team to conduct a geotechnical investigation, report on the site conditions, and provides design and construction recommendations for a future Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) structure at the road/stream crossing of Francis Creek and Forest Road Number 23, North Umpqua Ranger District, Umpqua NF. This task order was issued under GeomorphIS’ USFS Region 6 (WA/OR) BPA for professional/forestry services.


NPS Tasks GeomorphIS to Perform Archaeology Monitoring on Little Bighorn Battlefield NM

The National Park Service (NPS) has tasked the GeomorphIS/Hope Archaeology/US West Research team to provide archaeological monitoring for the Water and Wastewater Rehabilitation Project on the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Wyoming. Ground disturbance is expected to occur through the use of mechanical excavation machines for the water and wastewater pipe install. A portion of the water (approximately 500‐LF) will be installed with trenchless underground boring but requires excavated pits at each end. The GeomorphIS team archaeologist will monitor ground disturbing activities for cultural materials. If cultural materials are found, the archaeologist will begin screening the backdirt for artifacts (using ¼” or finer hardware cloth screen). Locations of discovery (if known) will be mapped via GPS techniques. If any intact cultural deposits are discovered in the surveyed area, construction work in that area will stop to allow the finds be documented and mitigated. Artifact collection and additional documentation or testing will be determined by the archaeologist in consultation with the park Cultural Resources Manager based on the depositional and diagnostic nature of the items discovery.

BLM-ID Selects GeomorphIS to Conduct 2021 ESR Treatment Monitoring Task Order

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho, Twin Falls District (TFD) has tasked the GeomorphIS-Pyramid Botanical Consultants team with collecting data at 120 pre-determined plots during the 2021 season. The distributed plots are on BLM administered lands throughout the TFD BLM (Burley, Jarbidge, and Shoshone Field Offices). These plots will be in their second and third post-treatment monitoring years. In recent years, large wildfires have affected sage-grouse habitat throughout the TFD. Areas burned by these fires were seeded with native cultivar seed mixtures or sagebrush plantings in existing vegetation. BLM policy is to monitor seeded/planted vegetation over a ten-year period to determine if the treatment(s) have met resource objectives and will aid in determining the success or failure of establishing native vegetation into disturbed areas. The GeomorphIS team will conduct the monitoring in accordance with the TFD Fuels monitoring program guidelines and with the most recent versions of information posted on the website.

GeomorphIS Provides GIS Services to Kleinfelder’s Caltrans District 11 Hazardous Waste Site Investigation Project

GeomorphIS provides GIS services to Kleinfelder, Inc. to support Caltrans District 11 Hazardous Waste Site Investigation and Design services. GeomorphIS is responsible for producing data and maps of sampling locations for asbestos and soil lead contamination along roadways and road features, creating and managing GIS project data, post-processing and converting GPS data, interoperation between CADD and GIS data formats, and the coordination and conversion of laboratory results data to GIS formats.

BLM-CA Awards GeomorphIS Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Demographic Survey Task Order

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) California State Office has contracted with the GeomorphIS-San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM) team to conduct flat-tailed horned lizard (Phrynosoma mcalli; FTHL) demographic surveys within the BLM El Centro Field Office area, in Imperial County, California, during the 2020 season. The areas to be surveyed include the East Mesa Management Area, West Mesa Management Area, and Yuha Management Area. The purpose of FTHL demographic surveys is to gather information on population dynamics that can be used to characterize local populations through time. These surveys can aid in the detection of year to year trends in abundance, recruitment, and survivorship. The data gathered in demographic surveys supports the
management strategies outlined by the Rangewide Management Strategy (RMS). Plots will be surveyed following the standard protocol and FTHLs captured will be PIT tagged or toe-clipped, marked, measured, and data sheets filled out.

GeomorphIS Provides GIS Support to RQ Construction on US Navy Project

For construction of the Navy’s new Coronado Coastal Campus near San Diego, GeomorphIS provides GIS services to RQ Construction, LLC. As facilities and utilities are constructed across the new campus, GeomorphIS converts the associated CAD drawings into the required Navy Data Model (NDM) schema. In GIS, we create the required geometries and feature topologies and build project spatial databases that comply with the NDM database feature specifications and attributes.