USFS Tasks GeomorphIS to Conduct Botany/CSE Surveys on Los Padres National Forest

The USDA Forest Service (USFS) has issued an LMIR BPA task order to GeomorphIS to conduct botany surveys and Common Stand Exams (CSE) on the Los Padres National Forest, as part of the Forest’s Ecological Restoration Project (ERP). A GeomorphIS-Mason, Bruce & Girard team will conduct CSE Plot surveys within several project areas on the Forest. The team will review the existing CSE data to determine which forest successional stages are lacking. The team will use the RAVG GIS data layers to determine which forested areas need surveying to achieve adequate representation of existing condition of the forest CWHR-types and their successional stages in the project area. As part of the CSE Quick Plot Exam protocol, a fuel photo series code, or Residual Descriptive Code, will be used to determine fuel loadings for each plot. Data for each photo will include size, weight, volumes, residue depths, and percent of ground coverage. A GeomorphIS-SummitWest team will conduct botanical surveys for federally listed threatened and endangered species (TES), Regional Forester Sensitive Species (RFSS), and invasive/noxious weeds that occur on LPNF within the ERP. The survey observations will be recorded and mapped, and all geo-referenced digital and paper records will be submitted. The team will provide photos and GIS data of target species; provide treatment recommendations for invasive/noxious weed species; and summarize survey results in a final report.