GeomorphIS Team Conducts BAER Weed Survey on Eldorado and Tahoe National Forests, CA

The USDA Forest Service (USFS) has awarded GeomorphIS and team member SummitWest a contract to conduct post-fire Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Invasive Plant Survey and Treatment on the Mosquito Fire burned area, Eldorado National Forest, California. The Mosquito Fire started September 09, 2022, and burned approximately 76,788 acres, which included Eldorado National Forest lands within the Georgetown Ranger District and Tahoe National Forest lands within the American River Ranger District. This BAER Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) Invasive Plant Survey and Treatment project facilitates the implementation of the Mosquito Fire BAER Project, which includes surveys of fire suppression disturbances for new invasive plant infestations and manual treatment of small infestations. The results of these efforts will assist land managers in reducing the spread of invasive plants within and adjacent to the Mosquito Fire area. The GeomorphIS-SummitWest team will conduct one season of invasive plant surveys and manual treatments for target species including ENF and TNF invasive species and state-listed Noxious Weeds within and adjacent to the Mosquito Fire area along fire-suppression disturbances (e.g. fire lines, staging areas, spike camps, drop zones, etc.).